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2022 in Review

With 2023 right around the corner, many of us get a little nostalgic, looking back on the year and all we have accomplished.

This year we are feeling particularly sentimental as it was the year that this big idea with a tiny little engine was born. After months of thinking and planning and questioning we finally took the leap in October and launched the Healthy Hicks Blog. The launch of the blog was the first step in our journey to help all Canadians live their best and healthiest lifestyle.

Where it All Started

Healthy Hicks started as a love of gardening, health & fitness. Oh and of course, cooking! Bre is a health and fitness coach by trade which matched up perfectly with Zack’s love for fitness. So perfectly in fact, that we got married this past year.

Together we are the perfect pair to be your tour guides for all things health and wellness. Working as a team, we are striving every day to change the world through education and exploration of alternative lifestyle and food choices and making the information accessible and easy to understand for our readers and clients. What started as a hair-brained idea has developed into a mission to help all Canadians feel empowered to take their health into their own hands so every person can live up to their true potential.

What Have we talked about

If 2022 has been a wild ride for you, we feel ya! Reflecting on all we have already talked about; the word whirlwind comes to mind! These past few months have been a learning curve and we have been working hard to bring you new ideas and recipes that are easy to work into your everyday life.

As we take this special time between Christmas and the New Year to reflect and be grateful, we can think of so many great takeaways from the year. The main message is pretty simple though:

From Tuna sandwiches to turkey soup, healthy muffins to homemade bread. We got down in the kitchen this year! Striving with each recipe to help our readers feel confident walking into their kitchen and help to show every Canadian reading our blog that living a healthier lifestyle can be fun, and tasty!

At times, it can feel like living a healthy lifestyle is the road less travelled. From Navigating our grocery store, to learning how to better care for ourselves, and from tiny changes that you can make easily to surviving the holiday season, we took a whole bunch of small steps forward in our journey down that road to living our best lives.

Stay Tuned

And if you thought 2022 was wild, 2023 is going to be even better and Healthy Hicks is going to be there for you every step of the way. There are some big plans in the works to help you take your journey to the next level.

We will be bringing in special guests, introducing new services and even expanding our blog to bring you every ounce of the very best information in the country.

We have big plans to help you not only plan and execute a great growing season in your own personal garden but also to take steps in every aspect of your life from packing for your camping trip to loading up your freezer with easy meals. The future sure is bright.


If there is one thing that we want you to take away from this year, it is that you DESERVE to live your very best and healthiest life and you CAN make the changes necessary to do it. We hope that you are enjoying being on this journey together and we

cannot wait for you to see everything we will be bringing to you in 2023.

We also want to hear from you. Our readers and clients are the entire reason we are doing this, so we need your help to bring the very best content! Please send us in your questions and suggestions and let us know what you want to see in 2023.

What was the biggest lesson you learned in 2022? Leave us a comment below!

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