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Better For You Muffins

Often the biggest problem with trying to eat better and be healthier is that we have been taught our whole lives that eating healthy food needs to be boring. We have all heard the jokes about “rabbit food” or “eating only lettuce”. Eating healthy is just not that much fun most of the time. But you know what is fun? Carbs. I told you I would always be honest. And we were all thinking it…

When you think of crave-able carbs, muffins are for sure at the top of the list for me. They are sweet, they are convenient, they can be made in large batches and frozen. They can be eaten in the car on the way to work when you are running late… I can’t say

enough about muffins. And somehow these sneaky little treats have found themselves being labelled as great breakfast food and snack foods? Genius!

This recipe came to life when Zack first started a new job. He works as a millwright which can be very physically demanding work. He was working in a factory and on his feet all day long doing intense manual labour. He came home most evenings absolutely starving and was trying to find ways to add easy snacks to his lunches so he could keep his strength up and also not lose all those hard earned gains in the gym ;) He first suggested that he would start bringing a couple of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with him to work. I am sorry but no husband of mine is going to be living on white bread and processed spreads.

So I got to work making him a muffin recipe that would check all the boxes:

Convenient and easy to eat? Check.

Delicious? Check.

High in protein? Check.

Healthy? Check!

I make a big batch of these muffins about every 2 weeks and stash them away in the freezer for him to take to work with him. It helps him to have an extra little something in his lunch to keep him going through the day and it gives me the peace of mind that my man is well fed and not relying to unhealthy options to just get by. He even adds a little bit of almond butter on top for an extra bonus.

This muffin recipe has all of the best qualities of the classic muffin but all of the best things that a healthy hick could ever want. Enjoy!

Muffins Made Easy

These delightful little treats are not only healthy but they are super easy to make!

I always start by gathering my ingredients. Here is a list of all the things you will need:


- 4 ½ Cups Oatmeal

- 2 tsp Baking Powder

- 1 Tsp Ground Cinnamon

- 4 Bananas- Mashed

- 1 ½ Cups Coconut Milk ( Or almond milk if you prefer)

- 1/3 Cup Honey

- 2 Large Eggs

- 2 Tsp Vanilla Extract

- 2 Cups Frozen Blueberries (If you prefer another fruit you go for it!)

- 1 ¼ Cup Protein Powder ( I use Vega Chocolate but any protein Powder will work)


- Mixing Bowl

- Wooden Spoon

- Measuring Cups

- Measuring Spoons

- Muffin Tin

Now it is time to get mixing. I always mix my dry ingredients first and then mix my wet ingredients then combine but honestly it's whatever floats your boat here!


1. Preheat Oven to 350 Degrees. Prep your muffin Tins with Cooking spray ( I use Coconut Oil Pam Spray)

2. In a large mixing bowl combine Oats, Baking powder, Cinnamon, and Protein Powder. Set aside for later

3. In a separate mixing bowl mash the bananas until most lumps are gone. Add Eggs and Continue to mash.

4. To the mashed bananas and eggs, add Milk, Honey and Vanilla. Wisk until smooth.

5. In 2-3 batches, add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and stir until fully combined. Once combined, add blueberries and mix gently until incorporated.

6. Portion in ¼ cup of muffin mix into tins.

7. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown on top. Remove from oven and let cool completely before putting into the fridge or freezer

Hint: Leave your Blueberries to the end so you don't end up with purple muffins by accident.

**Be sure to leave us a picture of you making these muffins! We love to share our cooking experiences <3 **

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