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Dark Chocolate Zucchini Cupcakes

This is a tale as old as time 🎶 (Did anyone else just hear the music from Beauty and the Beast? … Just Me? Okay!) Anyway … Parents have been lying to their kids about what is in their food for as long as we have been cooking, I am sure of it! Let’s face it, even as adults we sometimes need to get creative in trying to get all our veggies in because we have invested heaps of time and energy since infancy, convincing ourselves that we “don’t like them”. As adults, we have resorted to blending spinach in our smoothies, chopping kale to add to our sauces, adding Zucchini to our chocolate cupcakes. Yes, you read that right! I want you to add Zucchini to your chocolate cupcakes!

Man Holding a Muffin close to his heart

Before you leave this page and never return, hear me out.

1. They are an easy way to get extra vegetables in your day.

2. They are delicious!

I don’t care how you get your vegetables; I just care that you get them, and these zucchini cupcakes are an amazing way to do that. Remember what I said last week: open your heart to the possibility that what makes you healthy can also be what makes you happy. Chocolate cupcakes make everybody happy!

What The Heck Is a Zucchini Cupcake!?

Chocolate muffins in their baking tin

A zucchini cupcake is a delicious little treat that can usually satisfy that sweet tooth without completely ruining all the hard work you have been putting in. In our house, we will often keep a batch in the freezer and pull them out when we are having a chocolate craving or eat them for dessert. Because these cupcakes are sweetened with honey and have Flax and Greek yogurt, they are going to be a much better option than a traditional cupcake. They may not be crashing your kid’s birthday party any time soon but trust me these little treats are good enough for the whole family to enjoy! They look like a cupcake; they taste like a cupcake, but they have vegetables!! What’s not to love?

Zucchini Storage

Woman Holding Large Zucchini's

Zucchinis are very fast growers and they often all come ripe at the same time so I usually end up with way more zucchini than I can handle during the summer months. To avoid wasting precious resources, you need to get creative with your usage and storage of these veggies. That is why I started making zucchini loafs and cupcakes. For easy storage, I will also shred it and freeze it in individual Ziplock bags. If you measure it into 1-2 cup servings it can easily be pulled out a little at a time and added to sauces, or these cupcakes or really any recipe that is begging for a little extra vegetable action! I keep this shredded zucchini in the freezer about until my first batch is ready to be harvested the following year.

What You Need


Baking Ingredients

2 ½ cups flour- you can use oat, almond, or all-purpose flour

1 cup cocoa powder

2 tsp baking powder

1 tsp baking soda

¼ tsp salt

½ cup honey (You can add more if you want it a little sweeter)

2 cups zucchini, shredded

1 ½ cup plain Greek yogurt

2 eggs- I use an egg substitute of flaxseeds (see substitutions section below)

2 tbsp vanilla extract

¼ cup dark chocolate chips

Depending on the amount of moisture in your zucchini, you may need to add up to ½ cup of milk. When I do use milk, I use coconut milk.

The equipment you will need is:

Stand mixer (you don’t need one, but it will be way easier to mix all of your batter together if you do), wooden spoon, measuring cups, measuring spoons, muffin tin, cooling rack, Pam spray or muffin cups.


I want you to feel empowered to make every recipe your own. I have said this before: Cooking is a creative outlet and by having the freedom to make each recipe your own, you are exercising that creativity and channelling it right into your own wellness journey! If you have a suggestion for a substitution, please leave it in the comments below. I promise I will try and let you know what I think (not that it matters what I think- you do you in the kitchen!).

With that being said, here are a few suggestions that I have for substitutions:

1. Flax Eggs: Use 1 tablespoon of ground Flaxseeds mixed with 3 tablespoons of water to replace 1 egg. Stir the mixture together and let it sit in the fridge for about 30 minutes until the mixture has an egg-like consistency.

2. Honey: This is a substitute that I use instead of sugar. Of course, you can use sugar if you prefer. You may also like your cupcakes a little sweeter so taste your batter and add a little more honey or sugar if you need to

3. As I mentioned above, you may need to add a little bit of milk if your mixture is too thick. I use coconut milk, but you can use whatever kind of milk you have on hand.


1. Preheat your oven to 375 F. Spray a muffin tin with PAM spray or insert muffin cups to prevent sticking.

2. Stir together all dry ingredients in the bowl of your stand mixer. Add remaining wet ingredients, leaving out zucchini and chocolate chips and mix on low until a smooth batter is formed.

3. Add Zucchini and stir with a wooden spoon until incorporated. This is where you can determine if you need milk or not. Only add milk 1-2 tablespoons at a time, stirring after each until you reach a cake batter consistency that you are happy with.

4. Spoon mixture into your muffin tin until each cup is about ¾ full. Sprinkle 5-6 chocolate chips into the top of each cupcake- or a few more if that chocolate craving is hitting you hard.

5. Bake on the center rack for 40-45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center of your cupcake comes out mostly clean.

6. Move to a cooling rack and let sit until completely cooled. Once cooled you can store them in the fridge or move to a freezer bag to stash away for future chocolate needs.

7. Enjoy!

As cooks, parents, health nuts or even picky eaters ourselves, it can sometimes take a touch of creative flare to help our loved ones get their veggies. Zucchini is a wonderful, delicious and versatile vegetable that can be used in both savoury and sweet dishes which makes it a great partner in crime for your sneaky strategy.

If you are in a phase of life where you hate vegetables and have to hide them in delicious food, you are not alone! Hide away and reap the rewards of eating your vegetables without actually having to "eat" them! I want to see in the comments what your most creative health food hide has been! Don't be shy!

Dark Chocolate Zucchini Cupcake Recipe

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