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Hicks Say Howdy Right!?

Updated: Dec 27, 2022

A “Hick” is defined as someone who lives in the country and is regarded as unintelligent and provincial.

While we are from the country, we are breaking the stereotype and helping others like us to take control of their health. Welcome to Healthy Hicks! This platform was born from a passion for nutrition and healthy living. Originally conceived in 2021, in the heart of the Covid-19 pandemic, it was obvious that the information system we had grown up with was failing us.

· How do I stay healthy?

· Where do I find Information from?

· What foods are good for me?

· What foods are bad for me?

· What do I eat?

· How can I lose weight?

· Where do I start?

As health coaches, these are all questions that our clients asked us on a daily basis. We knew we had to do something and so Healthy Hicks was born. We decided that you don’t need to be fancy, you don’t need to be rich and you don’t have to live in the big city in order to have access to this information or the food that you need to live a healthy lifestyle! You can be “hicks” like us who just want to be a little better every day. We are so excited that you have decided to join us on our journey of finding and sharing this information!

Who We are

Hi! We are Bre and Zack, the Founders of Healthy Hicks!

Bre-Growing up in a small town in northern Alberta, my parents always had a big garden. I learned how to pick raspberries and carrots at a young age and this was normal to me. It never occurred to me that the majority of people I would run into over the course of my life would not even know where to start! I grew up riding horses and learning about the equine industry from a young age which quickly sparked the love for

the outdoors that I still have to this day.

Zack- I grew up on a farm in eastern Ontario with my family. We had horses and cows and chickens. This is where it all started. I was able to learn that our body reacts differently to the good food from the farm than the processed stuff. For me, eating healthy and working out are about feeling good, looking good and performing to your peak even as you age.

We believe that our joint love for the outdoors and all that nature has to offer, is the reason that Healthy Hicks was something we wanted to do. Healthy food does come from nature, after all.

Today, we come from eastern Ontario in a small town halfway between Toronto and Ottawa. Finding good healthy food throughout the winter months can be a challenge so this is where our creativity and love for the food comes in!

Our Mission is to empower Canadians to take their health into their own hands. We work hard to find new, tangible ways that we can not only live a healthier life, but a happier life as well.

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